
Project Euler 24

Michael Jacobsen
Project Euler problem number #24 deals with permutations in lexicographical order. A non-brute force approach involves a mixed base number system based on factorials. This problem is one of those that I solved using pen and paper after some research. I used the following Wikipedia pages: Permutation where I learned that there is a connection between the lexicographical order of a permutation and the factorial number system representation of that particular number Finally, you will need to remember that the Wikipedia articles both counts 0,1,2,… while the Euler problem counts 1,2,3,….

Project Euler 35

Michael Jacobsen
To create the rotations I make a “detour” by converting the number into a string and then performing the rotations on the string. #light let primes_below v = Euler_utils.primes | Seq.takeWhile (fun p - p Set.of_seq let rotate number = let number_str = number.ToString() let len = number_str.Length - 1 seq { for i in [ 1..len ] do yield int64 (number_str.Substring(i) + number_str.Substring(0,i)) } let has_rotated set number = let numbers = rotate number Seq.

Project Euler 48

Michael Jacobsen
In order to keep the numbers in check we use the rule that $$ a \equiv v (\bmod m) \Rightarrow a b \equiv v b (\bmod m) $$ This rule is implemented in the powermod function. Note, that the powermod function is not yet “tail recursive” and is therefore vulnerable to stack overflow for (very) large b. #light let rec powermod a b m = if b = 0I then 1I else (a*(powermod a (b-1I) m)) % m let sum = let numbers = [1I .

Euler problems 18 and 67

Michael Jacobsen
Problems 18 and 67 differs in their size, where problem 67 is so large that a (naive) brute force algorithm would not end within reasonable time. A simple algorithm shows it self if we goes from the bottom up. The problem formulation displays the numbers such that one looks at the numbers from the top going down. Look at one “sub-triangle” at the bottom such as (the very left one)

Project Euler

Michael Jacobsen
F# has a lot of functionality for manipulation of lists. Here is my first attempt at the solution in F#. let numbers35 = List.filter (fun i - i % 3 = 0 or i % 5 = 0) [1 .. 999];; printfn "Euler project problem 1 : %d" (List.fold_left (+) 0 numbers35);; I could have merged the two lines into one. However, I find this a bit more clear. The filter function filters (!

Project Euler

Michael Jacobsen
To solve problem #23 I apply simple brute force and we get to play a little with F# sets. Find all abundant numbers below the given upper limit. Create a set of all sums of these numbers (with a small optimization where avoid computing both a+b and b+a). Then we make a set difference and sums the remaining elements. #light let n = seq { 1 .. 28123 } let abundant number = (List.